Class Terminology
Basic terminology and pronunciation of Chinese terms used in class. Enjoy
長拳 Chang Quan Long Fist
洪(門/家)拳 Hong Quan Hong Family Fist
楊氏太極拳 Yang Family Tai Ji Quan
老師 Lao Shi Teacher
教練 Jiao Lian Instructor
師兄 Shi Xiong Older Brother / senior / Instructor
腳 jiǎo foot
腳尖 jiǎo jiān tip of the toe
腳背 jiǎo bèi top of foot
腳跟 jiǎo gēn heel
趾 zhǐ toe
踝 huái ankle
脛骨 jìng gǔ shin
脛骨 裡面 jìng gǔ lǐ miàn inner side of the shin
脛骨 外面 jìng gǔ wài miàn outer side of the shin
外小腿 wài xiǎo tuǐ shin
小腿 xiǎo tuǐ lower leg
膝蓋 xī gài knee
大腿 dà tuǐ thigh
胯 kuà hip joint, crotch area
腰 yāo waist
丹田 dān tián centre of gravity of the body
中丹田 zhōng dān tián solar (middle dan tian) plexis
橫膈膜 héng gé mó diaphragm
身 shēn body; torso
肩 jiān shoulder
肩胛骨 jiān jiǎ gǔ scapula; shoulder blade
胸 xiōng chest; thorax
肋骨 lèi gǔ ribs
胸骨 xiōng gǔ sternum; breastbone
脊椎 jǐ zhuī backbone; spine; vertebrae
尾閭 wěi lǘ tail bone, coccyx
背 bèi the back of the body
臀部 tún bù butt; buttocks
脖子 bó zi neck
喉嚨 hóu lóng throat
下顎 xià è lower jaw
眼睛 yǎn jīng eye
鼻子 bí zi nose
耳朵 ěr duo ear
口 kǒu mouth
頭 tóu head
肘 zhǒu elbow
上臂 shàng bì upper arm
臂 bì arm
橋 qiáo bridge / forearm
橋手 qiáo shǒu bridge hand / forearm
手 腕 shǒu wàn wrist
手 shǒu hand; convenient
掌 zhǎng palm of hand
拳 quán fist
指 zhǐ finger
虎爪 zhuǎ tiger claw
勾 gōu to hook (verb)
鉤子 gōu zi a hook
Other Terms and Concepts
吸 (氣) xī qì inhale
吐 (氣) tǔ qì exhale
呼 (氣) hū qì exhale
氣 qì air, vital breath , internal energy
吞 tūn sink
含 hán concave (power, qi , and body)
體呼 ti hū qì body exhale
中心 zhōng xīn center, core, central axis
膝蓋不過腳尖 knees must not be further forward than the toes
九關節 jiǔ guān jié 9 joints of the body
骱 xiè socket/ joint of bones
含胸 hán xiōng concave the chest. sink in the chest
含身 hán shēn concave the body. sink in the body
尾閭收 wěi lǘ shōu tuck in tail bone
下顎收 xià è shōu pull chin back, keep neck straight
Strikes and blocks
採打 cǎi dǎ wipe, pick and punch
劈 pī hit from above
仆腿 pū bù sinking and striking with side kick
一步三拳 yī bù sān quán one step, three punches
排臂 Pai bi beating arms
攔截手 lán jié shǒu intercepting hand (2nd)
對練 duì liàn partner practice
採手 cǎi shǒu wipe and pick hand (1st)
剷腳 chǎn jiǎo level/shave foot (3rd cai shou)
踢腿 tī tǔi kick with back of foot
蹬腿 dèng tǔi heel kick
切腿 qiē tǔi slicing kick
溜腿 liū tǔi pendulum /swinging kick
外擺腿 wài bǎi tǔi outer swinging kick
內擺腿 nèi bǎi tǔi inner swinging kick
單飛腿 dān fēi tǔi single flying kick
二起腿 èr qǐ tǔi double rising kick
旋風腿 xuán fēng tǔi whirlwind kick
穿心 chuān xīn toe kick in Hong Quan
丁字腿 dīng zì tǔi Nail kick
側蹬腿 cì dèng tǔi side heel kick
仆腿 pu tǔi sinking kick
剷腳 chǎn jiǎo level/shave foot
Qin Na Techniques
擒拿 qín ná grasping and seizing
小纏絲 xiǎo chán sī small wrapping silk thread
大纏絲 dà chán sī big wrapping silk thread (releasing back hand)
老驢臥蹄 lǎo lú wò tí Old donkey sleeping on his hoof (wrist lock turning out)
霸王請客 bà wáng qǐng kè Gangster king invites a guest (switch from hand shake into thumb lock)
黃鶯別翅 huáng yīng bié chì Yellow Oriole (bird) parts its wings
5 Basic exercises
下蹲 xià dūn downward squats
活臂 huó bì (bèi) enliven arms
甩腰 shuǎi yāo swing waist
活腰 huó yāo animate waist
切掌 qiē zhǎng cutting palm
托天畫地 tuō tiān huà dì support sky, paint earth
壓腿 yā tuǐ press leg
雁式平衡 yàn shì píng héng wild goose balance
集合 jí hé gather together
預備 yù bèi get ready
開始 kāi shǐ start
換邊 huàn biān switch sides
換腳 huàn jiǎo switch foot
停 tíng stop
分解動作 fēn jiě dòng zuò step-by-step movement
連續動作 lián xù dòng zuò continuous movement
立正 lì zhèng attention
敬禮 jìng lǐ salute (bow)
下課 xià kè end of lesson
步 bù stance / posture (dynamic)
式 shì step / stance (static)
1) 馬步 mǎ bù horse riding stance /horse stance
2) 弓步 gōng bù bow stance
登山式 dēng shān bù mountain climbing stance
3) 坐盤式 zuò pán shì sit coiled step
4) 四六步 sì liù bù four six stance (weight 40% front leg, 60% back leg)
5) 伏虎式 fú hǔ shì tiger taming stance
6) 獨立步 dú lì bù single (leg) standing / single leg stance
金雞獨立 jīn jī dú lì golden chicken stands on one leg
7) 虛步 xū bù false / empty stance
8) 吞 式 tūn bù swallow / sunken horse
1) 四平大馬 sì píng (dà) mǎ four level wide horse
2) 子午馬 zi wǔ mǎ midnight noon horse
3) 伏虎馬 fú hǔ mǎ tiger taming horse
4) 麒麟馬 qí lín mǎ Kirin (Unicorn) stance
5) 獨鶴馬 dú hè mǎ single leg crane horse
6) 吊馬 diào mǎ suspended horse
7) 中字馬 zhōng zì mǎ centre horse
8) 敗馬式 bài mǎ shì evading horse step
9) 三角馬 sān jiǎo mǎ three corner horse
10) 跳馬 tiào mǎ jump/ skip over horse
11) 二字拑羊馬 èr zì qián yáng mǎ Double grasping stance
12) 丁字馬 dīng zì mǎ “T” shaped horse
13) 跪馬 guì mǎ kneeling horse
十路彈腿 shí lù tán tǔi 10 Road Tan Tui (springing leg)
1) 連步拳 lían bù quán Linking step fist
2) 蟠龍棍 pán lóng gùn Coiling dragon staff
3) 工力拳 gōng lì quán Working power fist
4) 對棍 dùi gùn Pair staff
5) 工字伏虎拳 gōng zì fú hǔ quán “I” shape tiger taming fist
6) 柳葉單刀 liǔ yè dān dāo Willow leaf sword
7) 一路埋伏 yī lù mái fú First way of ambush
8) 單鶴朝chao2枝 dān hè cháo zhī Lone crane facing branch / Basic Crane fist
9) 崑峿棍 kūn wú gùn Kun Wu Staff
10) 靈蛇出洞/蛇拳 líng shé chū dòng shé quán Clever snake leaves hole / Basic snake fist
11) 七星刀 qī xīng dāo Seven star sword
12) 二路埋伏 èr lù mái fú Second way of ambush
13) 洪門槍 hóng mén qiāng Hong family spear
14) 五禽虎 wǔ qín hǔ Five animals tiger
15) 洪門劍 hóng mén jiàn Hong family straight sword
16) 大刀(關刀) dà dāo (guān dāo) Halberd, Named after the warrior Guan Gong.
17) 十字趟 shí zì tàng Ten character journey
18) 扑刀 pū dāo Beating sword
19) 羅漢十八掌 lúo hàn shí bā zhǎng Eighteen Luo Han palm
20) 三才劍 sān cái jiàn Three power sword
21) 小虎燕 xiǎo hǔ yàn Small tiger swallow
22) 四路查拳 si lù cha quán Fourth road Cha family (Muslim) fist
23) 夜遊江南扇 yè yóu jiāng nán shàn Night tour of South Yangtze area fan
24) 八卦刀 bā guà dāo Eight tri-gram sword
25) 洪門棍 hóng mén gùn Hong family staff
26) 十形豹 shí xíng bao Ten shape leopard fist
27) 五禽龍 wǔ qín lóng Five animals dragon fist
28) 三才對劍 sān cái dùi jiàn Three power pair sword
29) 鐵尺 tié chǐ Iron ruler (Sai)
30) 五禽鶴 wu xíng hè Five Animal crane fist
31) 五禽蛇 wu xíng shé Five Animal snake fist
32) 三路砲 sān lù pào Third road Cannon Fist
33) 小洪拳 xiǎo hóng quán Small hong Fist (Shaolin Quan)
五 形 wǔ xíng five element
龍 虎 豹 蛇 鶴
lóng hǔ shé hé bào dragon tiger snake crane leopard
十 形 shí xíng ten forms/shapes
虎 鶴 龍 蛇 猴 鷹 熊 獅 馬 豹
hǔ he lóng shé hóu yīng xióng shī mǎ bào
tiger crane dragon snake monkey eagle bear lion horse leopard
五 禽 wǔ qín five animals
虎 鶴 龍 蛇 猴
hǔ hè lóng shé hóu
tiger crane dragon snake monkey
General Notes:
Northern Long Fist 4 main families: Cha, Hua, Hong, Pao
Pin Yin |
English |
Chinese Characters |
Zhào Kuāng Yìn(Sòng Tài Zǔ) | Emperor Tai Zu. Founder of the Song Dynasty. Lived 927 – 976 AD | 趙匡胤(宋太祖) |
Tài Zǔ Cháng Quán | Well known style in the Ming Dynasty | 太祖長拳 |
Zhōng Yāng Guó Shù Guǎn | Nan Jing Central Martial Arts Academy. Our Chang Quan system is created from many other related systems. Mai Fu Quan, Cha Quan, Mantis, Pao Quan etc. | 中央國術館 |
Hán Qìng Táng | Great Grand Master Han | 韓慶堂 |
Lǐ Mào Qīng | Grand Master Li | 李茂清 |
Chén Qīng Hé | Master Chen | 陳清河 |
Pin Yin |
English |
Chinese Characters |
Zhì Shàn Chán Shī | Monk Zhi Shan | 至善禪師 | |
Hóng Xī Guān | Founder of Hong Quan. | 洪熙官 | |
Lù A Cǎi | Shī dǐ or younger brother in Hóng Xī Guān’s school. | 陸阿采 | |
Huáng Qí Yīng | A renowned cantonese Martial artist, Father of Huáng Fēi Hǒng. | 黃麒英 | |
Huáng Fēi Hǒng | Lived (1847 – 1924). Most famous of all Cantonese martial artists. | 黃飛鴻 | |
Lín Jiā Kūn | Great Grand Master Lin | 林家坤 | |
Zhāng Kè Zhì | Grand Master Zhang | 張克治 | |
Chén Chīng Hé | Master Chen | 陳清河 |